To the Zapatista Army for National Liberation

To the National Indigenous Congress

To the Indigenous Governing Council 

To the national and international Sixth

To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion

To the National Networks against repression

To the free media

May 25, 2021

Whenever there is a struggle for life,  death is always upon us , since it despises life and therefore brutally attacks it.

It has happened to us time after time. We knew it, and we made it known. the day the report on “Crimes against   humanity and serious violations of human rights in the Mountains of Baja de Guerrero belonging to the CIPOG-EZ” was presented in Mexico City this past May 16. We told the bad governments and the national and international media knew about it. 

We told them that the narco-paramilitary groups were killing us and that every time we denounce  these attacks,   “Los Ardillos” respond with more attacks and they will continue to do so as long as the bad governments continue to be complicit with the criminal gangs.    

Today, Tuesday, May 25, 2021  at 11:50 am, in broad daylight, the narco-paramilitary group that has been attacking our communities since 2015 has done it again. “Los Ardillos”  from the community of Zelocotitlán,  descended to Zacapexco, firing against our community, and resulting in the injury by a bullet of a companero from our communities.   

It’s worth noting that the bad government has not listened to us, on the contrary, they have made fun of us, scheduling meetings and then   cancelling them, and offering us crumbs. In this case the National Guard, the Marine, and the State Police showed up at 4 pm, approximately 4 hours after the attack. Therefore, we hold Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, and the governor of the state of Guerrero Hector Astudillo, and the head chief of the State police of the state of Guerrero Daniel Machaca Portillo and the state attorney Jorge Zuriel  responsible for the attacks and for the consequences that these bring. 

They won’t silence us, we will continue to denounce and resist organized crime and bad governments. 

Emiliano Zapata Popular and  Indigenous Council of Guerrero (CIPOG-EZ)

English translation by Sexta Grietas del Norte. Original Spanish: https://www.congresonacionalindigena.org/2021/05/26/comunicado-urgente-cipog-ez-denuncia-nuevas-agresiones-a-comunidades/