Encuentro – Struggles for Life in the Global Storm

Saludos compañeros, compañeras, compañeroas, compañeres, join us for our next encuentro in Albuquerque, New Mexico on September 23rd and 24th!

Struggles for life in the global storm brings together communities, organizations, and collectives in the fight for life to build networks of autonomy across the continent. The global storm reminds us about the intimate connections that people who struggle have across the globe and hemisphere, from the caracoles in Chiapas, to the communities part of the Congresso Nacional Indigena, to the rebellious collectives in the United States. The ongoing destruction of the planet and the dehumanization of people on this continent urges us to build bridges and networks of autonomy that are not mediated by colonial, capitalist, and heteropatriarchal governing structures and nation states. The long struggle has over 500 years of knowledge and wisdom. Communities in struggles across the hemisphere have actively resisted, imagined, and practiced other forms of living, relating, and existing. In this gathering, we invite all of those in struggle seeking to learn about local and global conditions with the purpose of strengthening resistant networks across Mexico and the United States. We invite you to Albuquerque, New Mexico on September 23rd and 24th to learn about the local histories and to build community based networks of resistance. In this gathering, we center three points of engagement: the global storm, resisting projects of death and building autonomies, and struggling with the Zapatistas and Congresso Nacional Indigena.

Register using this link.

If you are interested in hosting a presentation, platica, or workshop click on this link.