To the peoples of the world
To the National Indigenous Congress
To the Indigenous Governing Council
To the National and International Sexta
To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellions
Sisters, brothers, compañeras and compañeros: We denounce the hypocritical, deceitful and bumbling discourse of the federal government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, and of the governor of the state of Chiapas Rutilio Escandón Cadenas who claim to respect the Autonomies of the Original Peoples, when in reality they have implemented a series of counterinsurgency actions against the Autonomies of the peoples of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation and their Bases of Support .
Today we report the kidnapping, with the complicity of the three levels of bad government –municipal, state and federal–, of two members of the Good Government Council “New Dawn in Resistance and Rebellion for Life and Humanity”, Caracol 10 Flourishing the Rebel Seed.
The two members of the Good Government Council, José Antonio Sánchez Juárez and Sebastián Núñez Pérez, left from the headquarters of the Council ion September 11 of this year, at about 8 o’clock in the morning, in a pick-up truck with license plates CW-0001-C, to carry out a task of the Council in another place. When the Council did not receive any information, a search process was initiated, which located the van in the community of 7 de Febrero, municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas.It is important to remember that this community is the headquarters of the Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO) – where, according to information we obtained, the two members of the Council were detained in what was legitimately EZLN territory, and where the Arco Iris cooperative-store was established as part of the expression of the autonomous Zapatista economy. As of Tuesday, September 14, the Council has not been able to see the detainees, verify their state of health, or verify their whereabouts, which is why we are calling them missing. ORCAO has perpetrated a series of criminal actions against the EZLN Support Bases in the Moisés-Gandhi autonomous community for several months. The most despicable acts were those recorded in August 2020, with the looting, robbery, destruction and burning of the Arco Iris (Rainbow) autonomous cooperative store, and the violent kidnapping of the EZLN Support Base Felix Lopez Hernandez on November 8, 2020. In addition, on April 12 of this year, there was the kidnapping of two human rights defenders from the Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center. Now again this September, they persist with their criminal actions. This degree of violence, orchestrated from within the highest levels of the federal government, occurs in the context of the EZLN initiative “Travesía por la Vida Capitulo Europa” (Journey for Life, Europe Chapter) — an organizational initiative that seeks to expand, in a peaceful and creative way, the seed of resistance-rebellion for humanity and Mother Earth, that is to say, for Life.
Because of these events, we demand that the EZLN Bases of Support José Antonio Sánchez Juárez and Sebastián Núñez Pérez be returned to us alive.
Stop the harassment of the EZLN in their construction of Autonomy and Life!
Compañeros Bases of Support: You are not alone! If they touch one of you they touch all of us!
We call on the comrades of the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion, the adherents to the National and International Sixth to express their demand for the appearance alive of our comrades, members of the Good Government Council.
Red de Resistencias y Rebeldías AJMAQ.
Grupo de Trabajo No Estamos Todos y Todas
Espacio de Lucha contra el Olvido y la Represión (ELCOR)
Consejo Autónomo de la Costa
Centro de Derechos de la Mujer de Chiapas AC (CDMCH)
El Puente
Promedios de Comunicación Comunitaria
Diana Itzu Luna
Elena Morúa
Karela Contreras
Barbara Riviello
Gustavo Bárcenas
If you want to add your signature, please write us at: ajmaq_chiapas@riseup.net