To the peoples of Mexico and the world,
To the human rights organizations and collectives,
To the National and International Sexta,
To the national and international media.

We denounce with rage that today, April 28, at around 10:38 a.m., a large group of members of the National Guard, the Mexican Navy and the Oaxaca state police violently attacked those participating in the CAMP TIERRA Y LIBERTAD, causing its destruction and stealing the belongings of the campesinos who were there. OF MUCH CONCERN IS THE FACT THAT THE MIXE EJIDATARIOS MARÍA MAGDALENA MARTÍNEZ ISABEL, FERNANDO HERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ, ADELA SEVERO TEODORO, ESPERANZA MARTÍNEZ ISABEL, ELIZABETH MARTÍNEZ ISABEL AND ELIODORO MARTÍNEZ ISABEL WERE DETAINED WITHOUT THEIR WHEREABOUTS BEING KNOWN, AND COMRADE ADELA SEVERO TEODORO WAS BEATEN BY MEMBERS OF THESE MILITARY FORCES. In this sense we denounce, as has happened on other occasions, the intentional use of military and police forces by the state to violate women and generate terror.

Just today the CAMP TIERRA Y LIBERTAD, organized by the Union of Indigenous Communities of the Northern Zone of the Isthmus, completed 61 days of blocking the railroad tracks of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in the Mogoñe Viejo-Vixidu section, in protest against the imposition of the mega-project Inter-Oceanic Corridor Istmo de Tehuantepec, and in order to paralyze the works for the modernization of the railroad.

Likewise, yesterday the NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CARAVAN “EL SUR RESISTE”, in struggle against the Interoceanic Corridor, the Mayan Train and all the death projects of a repressive government subservient to the interests of big capital, was received at the CAMP TIERRA Y LIBERTAD with the purpose of weaving together the resistance of the peoples of the south, of Mexico and of the world, and which has been permanently obstructed and harassed by government spying and an endless number of military checkpoints since it began on April 25 in Pijijiapan, Chiapas.

With the action orchestrated by the military and police corporations against the CAMP TIERRA Y LIBERTAD it is clear to us, once again, that the current governments are at the service of the large transnational corporations and that militarization, patriarchal violence, and repression are the path they have chosen to confront our peoples’ struggle and resistance to the Interoceanic Corridor and the Mayan Train, projects of dispossession and capitalist war. WE DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF OUR COMPAÑEROS AND COMPAÑERAS MARÍA MAGDALENA MARTÍNEZ ISABEL, FERNANDO HERNÁNDEZ GÓMEZ, ADELA SEVERO TEODORO, ESPERANZA MARTÍNEZ ISABEL, ELIZABETH MARTÍNEZ ISABEL AND ELIODORO MARTÍNEZ ISABEL; THE PUNISHMENT OF THOSE GUILTY OF PHYSICAL AND GENDER VIOLENCE, ROBBERIES AND REPRESSION AGAINST THE TIERRA Y LIBERTAD ENCAMPMENT; AS WELL AS GUARANTEES FOR THEIR PERMANENCE AND FOR THE FREE TRANSIT AND ACTIVITIES OF THE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CARAVAN “EL SUR RESISTE”.

Mexico, April 28, 2023.
For the Integral Reconstitution of Our Peoples
Never Again A Mexico Without Us
EZLN-Zapatista Sixth Commission.