April 12, 2021

To the People of Mexico

To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion 

To the National and International Sixth 

To the media

The Coordination Commission of the National Indigenous Congress- Indigenous Governing Council condemns the cowardly aggression against our compañer@s , members of the Un Salto de Vida collective in El Salto, Jalisco, south of the metropolitan zone of Guadalajara. On April 10th at 1:15 AM the truck they use to carry out their work of protecting the Santiago River was set on fire while parked in a private residence of members of the collective. 

This attack occurred hours after the closure of a clandestine well that the business Casas Bali has exploited for the last two years, with the complicity of the municipal governments of El Salto, Jalisco, to supply the El Mirador subdivision, The well has been the subject of repeated legal suspensions, that have been violated with impunity by the authorities of the bad government , who are responsible for granting fraudulent permits for the construction of houses and illegal extraction of water in highly contaminated zones. There is an investigative file on these acts in the public prosecutors office.

We make ours the just demand of the Un Salto de Vida collective: cancellation of the destructive real estate project called El Mirador and an end to the theft of water from the Toluquilla aquifer which is highly overexploited. We demand the definitive closure of the dump Los Laureles and the cancellation of the thermoelectric project called La Charreria. 

The Coordination Commission of the CNI-CIG holds the three levels of the bad government responsible for the safety of our compañer@s from the Un Salto de Vida collective and we energetically protest the harassment against them. 

We demand clarification for this aggression and we call on human rights solidarity organizations, and collectives of civil society, to be attentive of the words of our compañeros from Un Salto de Vida, to speak out and act out in the face of any aggression and capitalist destruction against the peoples who live, organize and struggle in the basin of the Lerma-Santiago river. 


April of 2021

For the Integral Reconstitution of Our People

Never Again A Mexico without Us

The National Indigenous Congress- Indigenous Governing Council Coordination Commision

English translation by Sexta Grietas del Norte. Original Spanish: COMUNICADO URGENTE DEL CNI- CIG ANTE ATAQUE AL COLECTIVO UN SALTO DE VIDA.