Live Webinar with Raúl Romero: “What’s Happening in Chiapas? Attacks against the EZLN, CNI, and the Processes of Autonomy,” October 10th, 2020 4pm PT

Below is the English live-audio interpretation of our webinar that took place with Raúl Romero on October 10, 2020. For the original Spanish audio, please visit the Spanish version of this page.

This webinar is a dialogue with Raúl Romero* on the recent attacks on indigenous communities in Chiapas in the context of the opposition of the EZLN and the CNI to the current government’s projects.

In the dialogue we explore these questions:

  1. In Chiapas, violence has increased in recent months against communities that are fighting for autonomy. Paramilitary groups have attacked peoples in struggle, some linked to the EZLN and the CNI. Should we understand these attacks as an escalation of the federal or state government and capital against Indigenous resistances?
  2. Sectors of public opinion and civil society in Mexico and the United States criticize the EZLN for its opposition to the current government. Others observe a continuity of neoliberal policies of the Mexican State, despite the change of government. How are we to understand the confrontation of peoples defending their territories and life with the AMLO government and its flagship projects?

*Raúl Romero is a sociologist at UNAM, adherent to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle, frequent columnist for La Jornada newspaper and participant in the Anti-Capitalist University Network and the Paso Doble Collective.