CNI-CIG Communique to the Otomí Community for Their Indefinite Takeover of the INPI Mexico City Offices

To the Otomí community residing in Mexico City

To the people of Mexico

To the National and International Sixth

To the media

From the National Day of Mobilization in Defense of Mother Earth and Against the War on the EZLN and Indigenous Communities, the National Indigenous Congress and the Indigenous Governing Council salute the mobilization of our compañeros from the Otomí indigenous community residing in Mexico City. Today they took over the central offices of the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples (INPI) indefinitely, until their just demands are met. They remind us that the INPI is an institution of the Mexican State that has historically reproduced official indigenist policies that oppress our peoples and has promoted fake indigenous consultations in order to impose the vast megaprojects that are part of the government’s Fourth Transformation. 

Sisters, brothers, we support your demands and your struggle, as well as the occupation of the INPI as a symbol of official indigenism. You weave from below what is denied to you from above. With its struggle and solidarity, the indigenous Otomí community residing in Mexico City builds organization, reclaiming their collective rights along the path of dignity. 

In response to this mobilization and the actions that the bad government may take against our compañer@s: we call on collectives, peoples, and solidarity organizations to support and accompany this struggle.


October 12, 2020

For the Integral Reconstitution of Our Peoples

Never Again a Mexico Without Us

National Indigenous Congress

Indigenous Governing Council

English translation by Sexta Grietas del Norte. Original Spanish: